Another cloud scene using blobs. The idea of layered media is not original to
me; it was used in a pov-ray media tutorial someplace I've forgotten.
I think the clouds look relatively nuanced and natural and the scene renders
quickly. I'm posting my convuluted code for the scene in the hope that someone
more knowledgeable can improve it and maybe use it in a macro.
#include "functions.inc"
#include "colors.inc"
#declare Cloud=
#declare SD=seed(11235);
blob {
threshold 13.9106
#declare index=0;
sphere {<rand(SD),1.7*rand(SD),.5*rand(SD)>,4*rand(sin (radians
translate <-1.36,1.1,.5> rotate 4*sin(radians (index*SD)) }
#declare index=index+1.34;
hollow no_shadow
texture { pigment { rgbt 1 } }
interior {
media { emission 8 method 3 samples 30,30 intervals 1
density { spherical
warp { turbulence .75*.3+.05 lambda 2.75 }
density_map {
[1-.99*.75 rgb <0,0,0>]
[1-.99*.77 rgb <max(0,1-.75*1.5),max(0,1-.75*4.5),max(0,1-.75*6)>]
[1 rgb <.55,.55,.50>] }
media { absorption 2 method 3 samples 30,30 intervals 1
density { spherical
warp { turbulence .75*.3+.05 lambda 2.75 }
density_map {
[1-.99*.75 rgb <0,0,0>]
[1-.99*.75 rgb <max(0,1-.75*1.5),max(0,1-.75*4.5),max(0,1-.75*6)>]
[1 rgb <.75,.25,0>] }
} density {gradient z}
media { scattering { 5 .25 eccentricity .5 extinction .8} method 3 samples
30,30 intervals 1
density { spherical
warp { turbulence.75*.3+.05 lambda 2.75 omega 4 }
density_map {
[1-.99*.75 rgbt 0]
[1-.99*.75 rgbt 1]
[1-.49*.75 rgbt 1]
[1-.49*.75 rgb 0]
} density {gradient z scale 1.6}
media { absorption 3 method 3 samples 30,30 intervals 1
density { spherical
warp { turbulence .75*.3+.05 lambda 2.75 }
density_map {
[1-.99*.75 rgb 0 ]
[1-.99*.75 rgb 1]
[1-.49*.75 rgb 1]
[1-.49*.75 rgb 0 ]
} density {gradient z scale 13 translate <5,1,-25>} density
{spherical scale 6.9 translate -5*z}
#declare Cloud2=
object {Cloud scale 1.7*z scale 1.4*y scale 1*x}
object {Cloud2 scale <3.5,2.2,2.3>*1.3 rotate -15.5 rotate -26*x rotate -5*z
translate <-.16,-1.3,-.2> }
object {Cloud2 scale <3,2.4,2.4>*1.3 rotate -18 rotate -21*x rotate 6*y rotate
0*z translate <2.7,-1.7,-.2>}
#include "glass.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#declare Sea = texture
colour rgbft<0.198,1.355,1.296,1.8,.01>*.2
waves 0.2
frequency 1000
scale 6000 scale 2.02*y
finish {
diffuse 0.62
brilliance 1.5
specular 0.66 roughness 0.04
phong 0.2 phong_size 175
reflection .45
ambient <0,2,.7>*.2
refraction 1 ior 1.333
plane { y, -5.3
texture { Sea }
rotate 182*y
light_source {
color rgb <1,1,1>
translate <-20, 40, -20>
camera {
location <0,0,-5>
look_at <0,0,0>
sky_sphere {
pigment {
bumps scale 2
// gradient y
color_map {
[0.0 color rgb<0.8, 1.0, 1.0>*.5]
[.6 color rgb<0.0, 0.5, 1.0>*.85]
[1.0 color rgb<0.0, 0.5, 1.0>*.85]
pigment { bozo turbulence 0.35 octaves 6 omega 0.7 lambda 2
color_map {
[0.0 0.1 color rgb <0.85, 0.85, 0.85> color rgb <0.75, 0.75, 0.75>]
[0.1 0.5 color rgb <0.75, 0.75, 0.75> color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>]
[0.5 1.0 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>] }
scale <0.6, 0.5, .2> } rotate 35*x }
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